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How often does my dog need to be examined by a veterinarian?
We recommend a minimum of an annual wellness exam for all pets. If your pet is of a "senior" or "geriatric" age, we recommend an exam every 6 months instead.
How old is my dog in human years?
See attached Human/Pet Age Analogy Chart
How often do I need to bring in a fecal sample for examination?
We recommend testing a fecal sample every 6 months. If your dog is having soft stool or diarrhea, we should perform an additional fecal floatation at that time. A fecal floatation commonly helps identify roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and coccidia. It may also diagnose tapeworms and giardia.
What should I feed my dog if it's having diarrhea?
Almost every dog will have a bout of diarrhea at some point. Common causes include:
Dietary "indiscretion" - eating a new or exotic type of people-food, either with permission or stolen.
Intestinal parasite: dogs are susceptible to diarrhea-causing parasites such as roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, tapeworms, and coccidia.
If your dog develops soft or liquid stool, follow these steps:
Put him on a bland diet. Until the diarrhea has fully resolved, the bland diet should be strictly followed. Do not mix it with his regular food or give him any treats, chews, or people food for now. Once he is defecating normally, start gradually blending in his regular kibble. Monitor his stool and switch back to a bland diet if it softens. If not, continue mixing more normal food into his meals. If all goes well, you can then start giving him treats and chewies again.
Bland diet option 1: cook it yourself. Cook plain white rice (instant rice is fine, but avoid the healthy whole grain rices). Boil chicken or lean ground beef until fully cooked and rinse/drain the grease off. Mix 3 parts rice with 1 part chicken and serve.
Bland diet option 2: buy it from the vet: We offer commercially prepared prescription diet food in both canned and kibble variety. Canned is often preferred to aid in rehydration of the patient.
Keep him busy: to replace the entertainment that he usually gets from chews and Kongs, get a food-stuffing toy such as a Kong and fill it with his bland diet meals.
Watch for signs of dehydration, lethargy, vomiting, disinterest in food, or other symptoms. Call us at 414-962-6662 if in doubt as to whether he should be seen by a veterinarian or if his symptoms persist more than a few days.
Do not withhold food or water to prevent accidents in the house.
Call us at 414-962-6662 for more advice.
Do I need to give my dog heartworm preventative all year?
We recommend giving the heartworm preventative (Heartgard Plus) all year. In addition to having protection from heartworms, the Heartgard Plus also protects against intestinal parasites such as roundworms and hookworms which can be transmitted during any season.
How often does my dog need a heartworm blood test?
As a safeguard we and the American Heartworm Society recommend all dogs being tested annually for this deadly disease.
Does my dog need flea or tick preventative?
Yes. All dogs are at risk of flea or tick infestation. We recommend using NexGard or Frontline Gold during all non-winter months.
Should I spay/neuter my pet?
Decreased Risk for Developing Mammary Cancer Females spayed before the onset of their first heat have less than 0.5% chance for developing mammary tumors. This incidence increases to 8% if a female is allowed to have one heat cycle and 26% after two heat cycles. No preventative effect for mammary tumors is seen if a female is spayed after the age of 2 1/2 years. Eliminates the Risk of Pyometra This life-threatening uterine infection may develop in any unspayed female dog or cat. The uterus fills with a pus-like fluid and emergency surgery is necessary in most cases.
Eliminates the Risk of Ovarian and Uterine Cancers
The uterus and both ovaries are removed during the spay procedure.
Eliminates Unwanted Visits to Your Residence From Interested Males
Eliminates Unwanted Pregnancies Contributing to the Pet Overpopulation Problem Hundreds of thousands of pets are euthanized every year due to lack of homes.
Decreases the Risk for Developing Prostate Disease Unneutered males are prone to developing enlargement of the prostate gland (located surrounding the male urethra). The enlarged gland may become infected, develop an abscess or causes a male dog discomfort during urination or defecation.
Eliminates the risk of Testicular Tumors
Decreases Roaming Behavior and Intermale Aggression
Decreases the Risk of Marking Behavior in Dogs
Eliminates Contributing to the Pet Overpopulation Problem
Neutering or Spaying Causes Obesity Research has shown that neutering or spaying your pet does not cause your pet to become overweight or obese. Over-feeding and lack of exercise contribute to weight gain. At 6 months of age (when most veterinarians recommend spaying and neutering) most pets are growing less rapidly and becoming less active. If pets are fed the same amount of food, weight gain results.
Neutering or Spaying Changes My Pet's Behavior.
Behavior changes are usually not seen after surgery, although male dogs and cats may show less aggression towards other males of their species.
Female Dogs Should be Spayed After Their First Heat
Research has shown this may be more detrimental to your pet. The incidence of mammary cancer rises once your pet has experienced her first heat cycle.
How often do I need my dog's teeth cleaned?
This varies greatly from dog to dog. Some dogs need their teeth professionally cleaned (dental prophylaxis) every 6 months while others may only need it done every 5 years or so. When your dog is in for an examination the veterinarian will discuss your dog's oral health with you.
My dog is overweight; what should I do?
Obesity can cause a number of health problems in dogs just as in humans. If you don't know if your pet is overweight, one of our veterinarians or technicians can evaluate your pet with you. They may recommend feeding less food, eliminating treats and/or table food, feeding a lower calorie food or increasing the amount of exercise.
What breed of dog should I get?
Before you acquire a dog you should do as much research as possible about different breeds. Make sure you get a dog that matches your lifestyle and personality. Once you have decided on a particular breed you should visit a humane society or rescue group. There are many purebred and mixed breed dogs that would love to have a home with you! If you do decide to purchase from a breeder, do so with caution. Only purchase from a reputable breeder and never from a pet store.